Sunday, December 14, 2008

19 hours of labor - now that's a surprise

This was, by far, the most interesting labor of all three children. I had an amnio yon Friday, which was like the earlier one (painless and very easy). The results confirmed that Chloe's lungs were developed. I was admitted around 10:30am. All paperwork and consultations were completed and I was on pitocin at 1:00pm. I walked into the hospital 3cm dilated. I honestly believed that I would have Chloe before dinner. In fact, I asked the nurse what would happen to my dinner, if I was transferred to the recovery floor. Well, that wasn't an issue. Because of my previous c-section (baby #1), I received a slow induction. They would increase the drip every 1/2 hour by 1 step. In other women, it might go up 2 or more steps each 1/2 hours.

I handled the increases in the drug without a problem. I used Hypbirth (hypnosis) to handle my contractions. I was in the zone and feeling pretty confident, but my body wouldn't create a nice pattern, so they kept increasing the drug. After about 12 hours, my body stopped responding. They increased the drugs and the intensity of the contractions decreased.

Around 4am, they decided to take me off the drug for an hour. I was at 6cm and tired. I went to sleep for an hour. At around 5am, they started the drug again. My body responded with very intense contractions, but still no real pattern, so they increased it at 6am. Around this time, I was beginning to struggle with my hypnosis. The contractions were so erratic that I couldn't sync them to the audio script. I stopped using my Ipod, which was a bad idea because I didn't have a back-up plan.

Sometime after 7am, I began to vocalize the idea of medication. The midwife and nurses kept telling me to take it one contraction at a time. I knew they were trying to get me to 10 cm, but the pain was so intense. I kept saying that I couldn't do it and they kept telling me I was doing it. Finally, they checked me and I was 10cm. No drugs were coming. I felt scared. What would the contractions feel like to push her out?

Once again, pushing was an ordeal. If birth is so natural, why don't I know how to push a baby out. After a little remedial coaching, I began to push. After each round of pushing, I would complain that I was too tired to do it. Yes, a real whiner. Finally, I decided that I was really tired and I just needed to push until the baby popped out. I did that twice until I felt the incredible pressure of her head. I took a deep breath and pushed until I felt her head come out. The rest of her was very easy and she slid out. The midwife told me to open my eyes and take my baby. She had vernix on her body, but very little other fluids. I was so excited to grab her.

I was very lucky, no tears or stitches and one completely healthy baby. Her head was normal. The ultrasound result was not accurate. She was small but not too small (5 pound 15.2 ounces). Happy Birthday Chloe!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Chloe will arrive in a couple of weeks

The midwives and consulting doctors have decided that Chloe should come at 37 weeks. It's a result of my semi-high blood pressure and an ultrasound that showed poor head growth. It seems that Chloe's head growth is not the same rate as her limbs or abdomen. Chloe is small, but her head seems to be smaller than normal on the ultrasound. So, they will induce me at 37 weeks, but first I must have another amnio. They need to see if her lungs are developed. This is very stressful, but I am not surprised that they want to take her early. Between the gestational diabetes and the blood pressure that is erratic, I knew that I wouldn't make it to my due date. Luckily, my blood pressure never required medication.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The End of Football Season

Well, the season has come to an end. The team didn't make it into the playoffs. We weren't surprised. The guys played their hearts out, but it may be time for some new ideas on the coaching staff. Rodney had a great four years playing with the team. I'm glad he's done and he came out of without an injury. So, it was a success.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Chloe - What does it mean?

I had an email from a friend who asked what the name Chloe means, so I decided to look it up. Here's what I found:

The girl's name Chloe \ch-loe\ is pronounced KLOH-ee. It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "blooming". From Khloe, originally used in the classical period to symbolize the fertility goddess Demeter. May be connected with Chloris. Appears in the Bible, and as a name in literature, especially in the tale of Daphnis and Chloe, set to music by Ravel. Adopted by Puritans in the 17th century. Chloe has 6 variant forms: Clo, Cloe, Cloey, Khloe, Khloey and Kloe.

Gender: Female
Meaning: Greenery.
Biblical context: The Biblical baby name Chloe is Greek in origin and it's meaning is greenery.

In Greek mythology, Chloe is another name of Demeter, the pagan goddess of fertility and agriculture. Chloe is pronounced khlo'-ay.

Chloe was a Christian woman of Corinth who informed Paul of the disputes within the local church. 1 Corinthians 1:11

So, what about Naiyah . . .


Name origin: Greek

Name meaning: Water nymph

Name: Naiyah
Indian Meaning: new
Gender: girl
Origin/ Nationality: India
Continent/Source: Asia and Pacific

In Indian origin, the female name "Naiyah" means: New
In Greek origin, the female name "Naiyah" means: Flowing Water

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Karate Kid - Baby Chloe

I'm 26 weeks pregnant and this kid is attempting to show off her ability to move by crippling me. She moves A LOT. We went to church today. The baby seemed to dance with the music and the preaching. Who knows, it could be a sign.

Naiyah was very cute in a jumper and sweater that I picked up at Redmond Town Square. It's this cute little shop, Naartjie, with reasonably priced clothing. Adorable. I will add a picture of it later today.

I have the baby's room 1/2 painted. The first coat of paint is on three walls. I need to finish the 1.5 inches at the top. I don't have a steady hand, so I really hate that part. My dear husband needs to move a desk, so that I can do the 4th wall. It will get done this week. I love the color. It's a vibrant purple/lavender.

No name yet, but I still love Chloe. I even call her Chlo.

New Football Blog

I've decided to create a separate blog for Rodney's Football Season. This give him the ability to share it with his friends, who don't really care what his mother thinks about other issues in life.

Rodney's football related accomplishments can be found at

Oh and of course, I will continue to download clips to YouTube. It's fun.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

O'Dea falls to West Seattle

Well, it was a disappointing game, but my child did score a touchdown. I'm really getting into creating videos. Ohhh . . .flash backs to 8mm film and other hideous home films that parents subject their friends to during parties. Oh well, it's in our nature.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's Football Season!!

Rodney, my oldest child, is enjoying a nice start to the football season. He is the starting running back for O'Dea High School. After last night's game, he enjoyed a little print in the local newspapers. "Rodney Stokes led the charge with 90 yards and a score on just four carries . . ." The Seattle PI "Rodney Stokes, a senior running back, had 91 yards on 4 carries, which included a 34-yard touchdown run in the third quarter. " The Seattle Times

As is usually the case, I just don't have the right photo equipment to capture sports shots, but I used my little sony camera to catch 10 seconds of his first run. I was out of battery power by the time he scored a touchdown. Take a moment to enjoy my 30 second home movie. Yes, like most filmmakers, I managed to multiply the actual substantive film with a lot of fluff.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Healthy Baby Girl and the naming wars

Okay, so it's been awhile since my last post. I have three sets of ultrasounds of our baby girl. The amnio was easy and provided very positive results. The full scan was also very positive. So, we don't have a thing to worry about with the baby.

The scans to the left are nearly 30 days apart, June through August.

The old woman carrying her is a bit of a different story. As with my previous child, the blood pressure is beginning to creep up. The doctor decided last week to not put me on blood pressure medication, as a side effect is smaller babies. So, they will wait 6 weeks to reassess the situation. All of my measurements (protein, neck ultrasound) are within the standard ranges, so there is a good reason to be more conservative with treatment. I completely expect my gestational diabetes to show up again. I have the screening in a week. Ugh, reduced sugar intake through the holidays. That is a hard one.

We haven't decided on a name, but I like Chloe. Unfortunately, everyone else around me seems to not like it. I'm not sure that I care. If I hear another name that moves me, then I will truly consider it. My husband like Brooke or Gia. Okay, they are not horrible, but not exactly that interesting to me.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Okay, I am not surprised. I knew I was pregnant during my first 5k. But, I actually saw the baby this week. I went in for a CVS, but I was only 10 weeks and 3 days, so that was an problem. It all happened for a reason, as I've decided not to do the CVS. The miscarriage rate at our hospital is 1-2%, which is nearly the same as my chances of having a birth defect. So, I will have the integrated screen and then an amnio, much lower rate of miscarriages. I can wait the few extra weeks.

The baby looks fine. There was a strong heart beat and all nubby legs and arms. 42 and having baby number #3. Cool or Crazy. Only time will tell.

We have kept it very quiet. My boss knows because I kept falling asleep during meetings. Thank goodness that has passed. : 0 We do plan to tell everyone at the end of the month or early next month.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My very first 5K

I completed my first 5k today. It was great. I put Naiyah in her jogging stroller and walked and ran the 5k. My first event on Mother's Day. Yeah.

The weather is very cooperative. It was on the cool side, but for those doing the half marathon it was probably perfect. As we completed the last mile, I was more than warm enough. The 1st mile ended with a nice hill. It was great fun pushing that stroller up the hill. It really blew my plan of walk .5 and run .5. During the second mile, I was able to get in some running.

Honestly, I think I could have ran more, but the stroller held me back a bit. Oh well, it also challenged me during the hills. So, all probably evened out. I'm sure only my time suffered. My heart rate was certainly in the upper ranges.

The race is sponsored by the Hope Health Institute -

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Triathlon Training is Intense

Okay, so much has happened since I last blogged. I have been training for a sprint triathlon. In particular, the Danskin (Yes, I got in.)on August 17th, but I hope to do others. Okay, at least one additional tri. As I mentioned in a previous post, I joined Raise the Hope with Raise the Bar. It's been interesting.

I've had some training challenges:

I am working on my swimming. I joined one of our technique classes. I think I joined it too early, as I really need to go back and relearn the basics of swimming. So, I am suspending my technique classes and picking up a twice a week swimming class.
I tried to pick up speed with my running and developed shin splints. In addition, I learned that I wasn't really stretching properly or icing my shins. So, I'm heading back to the track after a two week break tomorrow. I will need to start slow and build up.

I haven't been back on my actual bike, but I have been riding the stationary bike. I am taking the lessons learned from running and working out using Podfitness - Polar Heart Rate workouts.

This last point is very important. I believe that I am overworking and burning sugar instead of fat. I am not losing weight, but I am working out a lot. So, I am working for the next two weeks at a lower hear rate. While I was running, I would spend most of my workout with my heart rate above 160. Intense, but not smart.

I hope to report back a healthy shin and a little weight loss.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

21 Day Cleanse is HARD!!

So, I haven't been the most faithful, but a lot is happening. I've had about 60% successs. Next week is the last week and I plan to do better. In fact, I plan to keep going in a modified fashion.

I have not maintained a vegan diet. I've been eating meat. BUT, I have exercised 2x in the last week and that is very good.

In addition, I am meeting with my triathlon team on Thursday, so that is also very positive. I will have my body fat measured on Monday, which should also encourage me to adopt a better diet in the upcoming month.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 will be a great YEAR!!

I am very excited about the upcoming year, but before I share with you what's coming, I will admit my shortcomings for 2007.

I deviated from eating vegan food during the holidays. I ate fried turkey and ham on Thanksgiving. I had the weirdest cravings for baked chicken the following week. I went back on a vegan diet plan until Christmas. Oh, I did attempt eat fried fish 2x before Christmas and threw it up each time. I'm done with that.

So, again I had fried turkey on Christmas and other items with dairy and/or eggs during the holiday season. On New Year's Eve, I enjoyed grilled salmon and other vegetarian dishes with eggs/dairy. Today, I had a turkey sandwich.

Okay, so those have been my challenges over the last few weeks. What's next!!

21 day cleanse. Yeah, it starts on Monday, thus my continued lax approach to a vegan diet. I will be giving up processed foods during this cleanse. It takes you from a vegan diet to a raw diet over the three weeks. Very cool. This is the same cleanse as 21 Day Detox Steve's Cleanse has an advanced protocols for people who are already raw foodist. That's not me.