Monday, November 12, 2007

Raw Divas Detox - Day 1

It's 10:40 am and I'm doing fine. I dropped my toddler at daycare. It's Veteran's Day, so I am home for the day. I did a little shopping this morning. I stopped at the health food store (Nature's Market) and picked up Senna Leaf to aid with elimination.

The wind is howling like crazy outside. Lucky me. A holiday and mother nature wants to bring my house down. Ugh! Well, it's perfect for staying inside.

Of course, there are several things that I should do: study for SHRM exam, bring summer clothes back upstairs, get a pedicure, make my hair appt, make a waxing appt, bundle cardboard for recycling tomorrow, buy a sprouter and appropriate beans, and finish gathering tax information. The Raw Divas tell you to take it easy. Hmmm . . . what does that look like.

Normally, the 24 hour water fast begins at 6pm and ends at 6pm. I made this decision late last night, so I shouldn't break it until tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

sibyl3 said...

Good luck with your detox!