Monday, April 7, 2014

2013 - what a year

Work wise and family life, we bit off a lot this year.  I had many projects and we started our youngest in a montessori school for her in-between year.  Too young for kindergarten and too old for preschool . . . so we found a great school  School starts at 9am and ends at 3:30pm - a bit of a problem for working parents . . . so we adjusted our schedules in September.  It's hard to make it work and I look forward to returning to a normal schedule.

At work, we did a Lean project, begun to learn about implementing Lominger competencies and chose an online performance management system to implement in 2014.  Oh yes and we are trying to change the culture for all city employees - Respect - our cultural competency program.
Respect . . . Be More

And we went to Disney World in December.  It was super fun.  My brother and his family and my parents joined us.  We rented a home in the area.  It had a small heated pool and was an easy drive to the parks.  It was a perfect week for all of us.

Updates on my life . . . 2011 - 2012

New Job - April 2012

Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted on my blog.  There are so many things that have changed.  I switched jobs.  This is really good news, as I am back to doing what I love.
I am the Human Resources Director for a city.  Previous to this, I was a manager/director for different types of agencies/divisions.  While I loved making a difference, I always wanted to run a HR department.  So,  I've been doing it for 2 years.  It's been great.  So, what's next on my list of future desires.  I may return to the private sector and then onto a consulting career . . . who knows what the future holds.

Costa Rica - September 2012

We stayed at the Westin Playa Conchal  The resort is lovely and we would return again.